Brainscape flashcards' confidence ratings are meant to evolve over time. Usually, you gradually upgrade your 1s and 2s toward 4s and 5s, as you learn the concepts better and better. Occasionally, you downgrade your 4s and 5s to a 1 or a 2, as you realize that perhaps you did not know a concept as well as you originally thought you did.
But what if you feel like you over-confidently rated all the flashcards in a given Deck or Class, and you aren't seeing the 5s nearly as much as you should be?
For this purpose, we created the Reset Stats feature available with Pro access. In both the website and the iOS app now and Android soon, you can reset a specified group of flashcards back to a confidence rating of "0", as if you'd never studied them at all.
Mobile app
On the app, simply click the Deck on your Class screen click on the ellipses at the top right hand corner and , and select "Reset Confidences''. All the flashcards in this Deck will be reset to 0.
On the web, simply click the Options button next to a Deck on your Class screen and select "Reset Deck Stats''. All the flashcards in this Deck will be reset.
If you want to reset stats for all flashcards in an entire Class on the app, then select the Class title, click on the ellipses and choose "Reset Confidences". On the web after selecting your class, you will click on the ellipses and select "Reset Class Stats". Your Class is now as good as new!
Make sure you’ve gone out to the App Store, and have the latest version of the mobile app. You don’t want to miss the exciting updates!
Still have questions and can't find the answer? Be sure to email our Tech Support Team (
If you'd love to vote for a new Brainscape feature, see what others are requesting, or get a sneak peek at features in our pipeline, please check out Brainscape User Feature Requests Forum! Please choose to Sign in with Brainscape (if you are commenting/requesting a new feature) so any feedback is tied to your account. Or you can even access the tool from our web/mobile menus which won't require you to login separately.
(Hint: to save time, search first to see if your desired feature is already in the list so you can just vote/comment.)
And for more FREE study advice don't forget to check out the Brainscape Academy.
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