Brainscape does not yet offer a specific Search filter that allows users to see all Classes at a particular school all at once. We hope to introduce this feature at some point in the future.
For now, we've seen some schools insert their school abbreviation into the Class name (e.g. Bio 101 UGA), so that anyone searching the Brainscape market for the school "UGA" would find all those classes there. We've also seen many schools or teachers include links to all their Brainscape flashcards using their own class website or learning management system.
If you already know the creator of the flashcards you're looking for, and you can't find their flashcards on our website or mobile app, simply contact the creator and ask them to invite you to their Class. Or you can search for specific friends, classmates, or teachers by browsing the Creators Directory.
One of the best ways to connect with others studying the same classes you are, would be to join our Discord channel where you can discuss all things learning, meet others studying for the same exams, and upvote features you'd like to see us add to our tool.
Still have questions and can't find the answer? Be sure to email our Tech Support Team (
If you'd love to vote for a new Brainscape feature, see what others are requesting, or get a sneak peek at features in our pipeline, please check out Brainscape User Feature Requests Forum! Please choose to Sign in with Brainscape (if you are commenting/requesting a new feature) so any feedback is tied to your account. Or you can even access the tool from our web/mobile menus which won't require you to login separately.
(Hint: to save time, search first to see if your desired feature is already in the list so you can just vote/comment.)
And for more FREE study advice don't forget to check out the Brainscape Academy.
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