Interested in finding out how to share your public flashcards in a way where you can control the recipient's access?
Sharing the full class for free
In some cases you want your learners to have full study access to your flashcards, and you don't want them to have to upgrade in order to study your cards. In those situations, you'll want to grant them free/full study access when you share your flashcard class. Some examples: you've created a course and you want to share with your students, or your employees. (Of course, if you are sharing a private class, all learners must be Pro.)
Share a /p/ link: A free class link has a /p/ in the URL, and users will have full access to your flashcards without hitting a paywall. You can share this way by 'Sharing Class for Free' in the app or 'Share class by link' and choosing Full Study radio button in web.
Sharing Preview access only
In other cases, you may want to encourage others to upgrade to Pro in order to study your coursework. If you are part of Brainscape's Authorized Creator program or if you want to make sure that your audience needs to upgrade before studying your cards, you'll want to make sure you only share the Preview link or /packs/ link so that you can monetize the shares and upgrades to be successful in this program. To join a program to sell your flashcards, click here.
Share the /packs/ link: If you want your referrals to hit the paywall to unlock your flashcards, you should always refer them to the public link to your class. You can find this link by clicking 'Share' on the class in your dashboard in the web, and then choose the 'Preview' option when you 'Share Class by link'. Your URL will have a format like ''
NOTE: If your class is Private, then you can share via email, and if your learner is not a Pro user, then it doesn't matter what access you provide (Full Study, Edit, or Admin), they will still need to upgrade in order to study this material.
We hope that this is helpful! If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team at
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