Welcome to Brainscape's Edit Suggestion Dashboard - your centralized hub to view, review, and manage all edit suggestions for your flashcards. This guide will help you navigate the dashboard efficiently.
Quick Tips
- This dashboard is available to all Admins (means you created the class) and in the future will extend to all Editors;
- To access your dashboard, click here
- Anyone studying your class will have the option to suggest edits to your class when they click on the ✏️ icon on a flashcard while studying the class in the Brainscape web or mobile app.
- If you need to share this with other instructors, you can provide them Edit permissions for your Class from the Learners Tab.
- If you'd like to access your Edit Suggestions Dashboard, click the link in your Learners Tab OR from the options (ellipses) menu on your Dashboard.
How to Use the Edit Suggestion Dashboard
This dashboard is a way to continually improve your coursework, or understand areas where your learners may have questions or need support. Also, if you are one of Brainscape's Certified Authors, this is part of your ongoing commitment to Brainscape and your BCC.
While this is more guidance than a typical author may need, here is a very comprehensive list of different ways to use this Dashboard if you are the Admin/Editor of your class.
Open the Dashboard: Apply filters for the view you need:
- Include by Author: Filter suggestions by the author.
- Showing Suggestions for X Classes: View suggestions for specific classes.
- Filter by: Sort suggestions by their status.
Review Suggestions: For each suggestion, you can:
- Correct the flashcard and mark as “Acknowledged”.
- Take note of important feedback and mark as “Acknowledged”.
- Mark as “Needs Review” for suggestions needing more attention.
- Ignore irrelevant suggestions.
- Block inappropriate suggestions.
- Edit Flashcards: Click on the text in the Edit Card column to open the editor and make changes using markdown language. Use the “Formatting Help” link for guidance. Hit “Update Card” when done.
- Respond to Users: After acknowledging a suggestion, a pop-up will invite you to respond. Use the templated message or craft a specific one if clarification is needed. Responding helps users feel valued and ensures continuous engagement.
Please watch this Loom video for a guide to the edit suggestion dashboard.
Dashboard Overview
Suggestions for My Flashcards Tab
Get familiar with the first tab, "Suggestions for My Flashcards", where each suggestion appears in a row. Here are the column details:
- Pack: Name of your certified class.
- Deck: Associated deck for the edit suggestion.
- Edit Card: Original text of the card. Clicking it opens an editor for direct changes.
- NPS Rating: Future feature to gauge class recommendations.
- Suggestion: Suggested edit to your flashcard.
- Suggested By: User who submitted the suggestion, with an option to email them directly.
- Suggested On: Date of the suggestion.
- Last Edited: Date the card was last edited, indicating if corrections were made post-suggestion.
- Mark As: Dropdown to select the action required for each suggestion.
Mark As Legend
- Pending: No action taken yet.
- Acknowledged: Valuable suggestion; flashcard corrected or feedback noted.
- In Review: Needs more time for evaluation.
- Ignored: Irrelevant or non-valuable suggestion.
- Blocked: User blocked for inappropriate suggestions.
Note: During your edit suggestion review, it’s important to mark any valuable contribution as “Acknowledged” even if you do not make direct edits to a flashcard.
Filtering Options
Use the filters on the top right corner to tailor your view:
- Include by Author: Filter suggestions by the class author.
- Showing Suggestions for X Classes: Filter by specific classes.
- Filter by: Sort by the "Mark As" status.
Top Suggestion Contributors Tab
Explore the "Top Suggestion Contributors" dashboard to see which users have made the most helpful suggestions. As stated above, during your edit suggestion review, t’s important to mark any valuable contribution as “Acknowledged” even if you do not make direct edits to a flashcard.
- Visibility: All users can see the Contributors tab, but only class admins can view the suggestor's full name, last edit, and date range selector.
- Leaderboard: Sorted by the percentage of suggestions accepted.
- Filters: Contributors can be filtered by date range, with "all-time" as the default setting.
We hope this guide makes your experience with the Edit Suggestion Dashboard seamless and productive. Happy reviewing!
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