NO! We have specifically engineered Brainscape to have minimal impact on your phone's battery and data usage.
Brainscape only downloads the flashcard content to your device upon initial usage, or whenever there has been an edit from another device. When you continue to use Brainscape, all flashcard data is being retrieved from the "local" database on your device, so we don't need to make any continual data-heavy calls to the server.
We do make occasional tiny data calls to our server to keep your study mastery data in sync between devices, but these are very "data-light". (A few bytes with "small" numerical data like Card ID and User ID.) So Brainscape should have a very minimal impact on your phone's data plan or your phone's battery consumption. (See also: Do I need a WiFi or 4G/LTE connection?)
We also do not use or share your Location data, which is often a big reason why other apps may be draining your battery.
Still have questions and can't find the answer? Be sure to email our Tech Support Team (
If you'd love to vote for a new Brainscape feature, see what others are requesting, or get a sneak peek at features in our pipeline, please check out Brainscape User Feature Requests Forum! Please choose to Sign in with Brainscape (if you are commenting/requesting a new feature) so any feedback is tied to your account. Or you can even access the tool from our web/mobile menus which won't require you to login separately.
(Hint: to save time, search first to see if your desired feature is already in the list so you can just vote/comment.)
And for more FREE study advice don't forget to check out the Brainscape Academy.
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