As you've likely seen, Brainscape allows you to select a Deck of flashcards to study, and presents you those flashcards in a pattern scientifically optimized to help you learn faster and remember for longer, based on your self-rated confidence ratings.
On the web
However, the default study mode on our website is actually a "Study Mix," which allows you to study a blend the cards from all the decks in a class to which you have access by clicking the big blue "Start Studying" or "Continue Studying" button for each class.
Note: You may also select (or de-select) individual decks to change what you will study in your "Study Mix." To do this, just check or uncheck the decks selected to the left of each deck name.
You also have the choice of making your Study Mix "Progressive" or "Random." A "Progressive" mix will select cards from the decks in the order in which they appear. You'll have to master most of the cards in deck 1 before you'll start to see cards from deck 2 (and so on). A "Random" mix will take a random selection of cards throughout multiple decks. Note: this does not work if you only have one deck and progressive will be the default.
On the mobile app
We have recently released a Smart Study feature on mobile, that allows you to create your own curated study mix across the classes you are currently studying. Read more about our new Smart Study feature here.
Still have questions and can't find the answer? Be sure to email our Tech Support Team (
If you'd love to vote for a new Brainscape feature, see what others are requesting, or get a sneak peek at features in our pipeline, please check out Brainscape User Feature Requests Forum! Please choose to Sign in with Brainscape (if you are commenting/requesting a new feature) so any feedback is tied to your account. Or you can even access the tool from our web/mobile menus which won't require you to login separately.
(Hint: to save time, search first to see if your desired feature is already in the list so you can just vote/comment.)
And for more FREE study advice don't forget to check out the Brainscape Academy.
Yes! This feature is much needed.
I have been waiting for those aforementioned features! I hope it can occur by the end of this year :)
Adding this feature to desktop and Android is highly desirable
Please add to desktop!
I am Android and Desktop and do not use iOS.. so yes, please add this feature. It's always rather annoying when certain features are only available on certain OSs.
Would love to see this on Android and desktop!
I would love to see this added to the website.
Hi - I've been using Brainscape for some years - I subscribe to the premium version because it is a great tool for studying. But I have yet to see this random mix feature added to the website version and this article is from 7 months ago - it looks like there is a lot of interest from other users based on the comment thread. Any update as to when this will be added to the desktop versions?
Keep an eye out Spring 2019 maybe sooner, though!
Spring 2019?! It takes you a full year to implement a highly desired function that you already have on one of your other supported platforms? That is very disappointing. I assumed this function would be available as it is a very basic function for flashcards, and was very disappointed when learning that was something you do not offer and don't prioritize to implement either.
@David Ness, Sorry to hear about your disappointment. We're working as fast as we can! Our small team is building and pushing out improvements every week, although some are not as noticeable on the front end. Thank you for your patience. --Courtney@Brainscape
Desktop and Android, yes please!
Ok guys, adding this feature is taking much too long. Please make this happen.
Hey David, Please send us an email to include your Brainscape account email address and we can get you added to the beta test that's currently testing this feature!
Hey guys this update has been talked about now for years. When is smart study coming to Android devices? Or am I missing something?
Hey Sam,
It's coming! We're actually starting to focus group for the new app. If you're interested in being a part of those conversations or trying the features out in advance, please shoot us a message to to let us know.
In the meantime, remember that you can use the study mix features using through your mobile web browser (e.g., Chrome) right from your mobile device.
I hope this helps,
Is this only for premium?
Is this only for premium?
Hey Hasan, it is also available with the free version. Someone from our support team will reach out to you with more information. If you have other questions and would like an immediate response, kindly email Thanks!
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