As you may know, the Brainscape study process works by intelligently determining which flashcards to ask you, right when you need to see them. This uses cognitive science to help you learn faster and remember for longer.
In other words, allowing users to "randomize" Cards on the fly would jeopardize the optimization with which Brainscape already determines how often to show your Cards. The Random Mix option, selects from a pool of cards across multiple decks selected. If needed, you can always Reset Confidences and restore your card stream to its original order, which will of course evolve into its own intelligent reordering as you continue to re-rate those Cards' confidences. But we do have some workarounds do this if you do wish to still shuffle.
Keep in mind that if you only have ONE deck, you can not apply this randomization on the desktop web, however on mobile this will work with just ONE deck.
If you happen to be the creator or editor of a Deck, you can also permanently re-order the Cards into a random order, which will affect the Cards' original order both for you and for any other user who may study them. There are two ways you can do this:
- On the website -- On the website you can do this if you are in Edit mode you can select Randomize under the Organize drop down on the left-side of the Edit Cards screen.
- In the app -- You can click the wheel during a study session and choose Random Study. Or, once you click on a class, you can tap the wheel next to the Study on the class screen and select the decks you want included in Random Mix and toggle the Random Mix button to on.
[See also: Creating a Random Study Mix across multiple Decks.]
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