Many users create some initial Cards and Decks, only to belatedly realize that they wish they had organized their Decks differently. Brainscape's editor definitely addresses this issue and provides the flexibility to handle this additional formatting, plus lots more!
To move cards between decks:
1. Open the two decks in separate browser tabs, or just handle all editing in one tab (whichever you prefer).
2. In the original deck, select the specific cards by expanding the card list editor on the left side of the screen, select the cards you want to copy (click the radio button next to designated cards) and then click 'Copy' on the Bulk Actions menu.
3. You can then navigate to the destination deck, click the 'Paste Cards Into this Deck' button which pops up on the center of the Editor.
4. Now go back and delete the original cards if desired (which should be still selected). Note: retain the original cards in the event you made a mistake, and you won't lose your cards.
Keep in mind that the dropdown menus evolve over time, but the below image is similar to what you may see.
Bulk Actions drop-down
Paste cards pop-up
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I am trying to move 2 cards from one deck to another deck. I am able to copy the selected cards to a clipboard with no problem. When I go to the deck that I want to paste them into... I click on the bulk actions but PASTE is not an option. The only options are: Sorting A-Z or Z-A, Reverse Cards, and Randomize Cards. There is no way to paste the cards sitting on the clipboard to the new deck. Can you advise as to what I'm doing wrong??
1) Select the card(s) you want to copy to another deck
2) Bulk Actions
3) Copy Cards (to paste)
4) Go to another deck in edit mode > click PASTE CARDS INTO THIS DECK orange icon
Thank you so much @Keifer for helping Michelle! Your response is spot on!
@Michelle sorry I'm only seeing this now since we don't monitor this page for inquiries. If you still need assistance, please email us at Thanks!
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