Our new mobile editor provides a speedy solution to the creation of flashcards from either Study or from the class dashboard or deck screen when editing your cards. Our updated editor provides some new key features and functionality, mainly quicker editing, access to AI features, and the ability to quickly navigate the deck via a card list. You will also have access to adding images or audio to your card as in the past.
Accessing the Editor
Edit existing cards / add more from the Editor
Step 1: Click on the deck you'd like to edit; select 'View Deck' from the slider.
Step 2: From the card list, find the card you'd like to edit and click on that card. A slider will appear and you have several options, click on the 'Edit Card' option to access the editor. Alternatively, from the card list, you could always click on the orange + to access the Editor. (Both shown below.).
Step 3: You will now be in the Editor and able to edit cards, or insert more cards manually or with AI. If you want to add more cards using AI, click the 'magic wand' icon on the top right of the list. [This functionality is currently in beta and will soon be released to all users.]
Accessing the Editor from a Study Session
Presuming that you have "edit" permissions for the deck in question, all you have to do now is tap the "pencil" icon on a particular flashcard, and you can edit the card in the mobile editor. Once you have made the edits to the card, you can click <Back to be taken to the study session.
Editor Overview
The editor is easy to use and provides additional features for evolved editing. From this screen, you can still add images and audio by clicking in a card to access this icon tray. You can easily move up and down to get to your desired card either by clicking on the correct card in the card list on the left-hand side. On the right, you can click the up and down arrows to move to next or previous cards. The top right "magic wand" allows you to add cards using the AI features by clicking the arrow.
Our team will continue to further advance this editor, but please know that the desktop web will allow you to take advantage of advanced editing features.
Still have questions and can't find the answer? Be sure to email our Customer Support Team (support@brainscape.com).
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