Many users create some initial Cards and Decks, only to belatedly realize that they wish they had organized their Decks differently. Our new editor definitely addresses this issue and provides the flexibility to handle this additional formatting, plus lots more! The card editor can actually perform many bulk actions on cards in decks for classes they have Edit permissions.
Additionally, many people like to have a few browsers open so that they can easily toggle between different classes to quickly and easily perform these actions.
Below are the steps to use our Bulk Actions functionality:
- Go to the deck that includes the cards you’d like to copy, and make sure you are in the Edit Cards tab
- On the left panel, click the radio button next to any of the cards that you are copying
- You’ll see a ‘Bulk Actions’ drop down appear
- Using the drop down you can choose which action you'd like to perform with the selected class (see image below)
- If you are pasting the cards, then the cards will be saved to the clipboard and you can select whichever deck (in any class) that you’d like to paste the cards into
- Find the class that you'd like to copy the selected cards and when you open that class you will be prompted to paste your cards with a popup 'Paste Cards Into this Deck'
- The Cards should have moved to their correct new Decks and you can arrange or further edit
- If you are Deleting or Creating Reverse cards then the action will be performed in the current Deck
Keep in mind that we are always evolving functionality in the Editor, so while the drop down may change slightly, the basic operations listed above will be the same.
Bulk Actions drop-down
Paste Cards pop up that will appear on any deck after you select the 'Copy" action and then open the desired class/deck.
Keep in mind that a hack many users like, is to open a few browser tabs each with various classes and decks and you can easily just copy/paste the cards or decks from one class to another without having to open and close clssses and decks.
Still have questions and can't find the answer? Be sure to email our Tech Support Team (
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