We're all looking for ways to simplify our lives. Did you know if you're studying your flashcards in Brainscape from a computer you can actually complete your entire study session without ever clicking the mouse?
See below for some commonly used keyboard shortcuts and special characters, or check out this Academy Article for more information on this topic, as well as this one on foreign characters.
From the study screen you'll have the following options:
Reveal answer - Tap the space bar
Go back to the question from the answer - Tap the space bar
Rate your cards - Click 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 -5 from your keyboard and your ranking will be saved so you can be brought to the next card.
When you are in edit mode, you will have the following options:
Go back to the previous card - Shift Tab
Save - Ctrl Enter
Discard changes - Hit Esc
Depending on what you are typing, you can certainly configure your entire keyboard into that language at the system preferences level, but for the occasional special/foreign character that may not make as much sense. Brainscape has put together this handy guide of keyboard commands for the most common foreign language characters (in the Latin alphabet at least) supported inside Word and Outlook on a Mac, but do not work at all at the operating system level in Windows. We are working to improve this in the future.
Still have questions and can't find the answer? Be sure to email our Tech Support Team (support@brainscape.com).
If you'd love to vote for a new Brainscape feature, see what others are requesting, or get a sneak peek at features in our pipeline, please check out Brainscape User Feature Requests Forum! Please choose to Sign in with Brainscape (if you are commenting/requesting a new feature) so any feedback is tied to your account. Or you can even access the tool from our web/mobile menus which won't require you to login separately.
(Hint: to save time, search first to see if your desired feature is already in the list so you can just vote/comment.)
And for more FREE study advice don't forget to check out the Brainscape Academy.
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