Studying Flashcards
Studying: Getting Started
The Science Behind Brainscape
- How does Brainscape's spaced repetition algorithm work? (i.e. Confidence Based Repetition)
- How does cognitive science make Brainscape so different from regular flashcards?
- What should I study in Brainscape?
- What is Brainscape good for studying?
- How should I rate my confidences? (When should I rate a 5?)
- But isn't this just "memorization"? I'm opposed to "drill & kill" learning!
Our Flashcards Marketplace
Mobile Study Support
Other Tips & Troubleshooting
- How does the edit suggestion feature work?
- What is my "% Mastery" in a Deck or Class?
- How do I know when I'm "done" with a study session?
- How do I track my studies?
- How do I create a Study Mix across multiple Decks on the web
- Can I study more than 10 cards at a time?