Wherever your users are studying, their Brainscape learning progress will be synced "to the cloud" and aggregated into each of your Class dashboards. Due to increased privacy regulations in the US and Europe, specific learner stats are not available until the group has Pro. Our affordable license model provides this perk, as well as enhanced reporting and other tools. See here for details, and this more comprehensive article.
To access your learner reports (on the website):
- On your My Classes screen, navigate to the relevant Class
- Click on the "Learners Tab"
- Note the cumulative stats for # of Cards Studied (unique and total), and % Mastery (i.e. a weighted average of each learner's self-reported confidence ratings), Days Studied and Time Studied.
- Feel free to sort the report by any fields, by clicking the column header
- For deeper analysis, you can Export to CSV and work in a spreadsheet, Add New Learners, or Apply Bulk Actions
Learn Tab Stats: four years worth of data is available at all times (based on how long you have been an active user.
Reporting Hack
Some instructors want to export stats so that they can compare the learning journey at specific intervals. They have found that if they export and then they can manipulate the data to run whatever reports they desire. AI can help or any general knowledge of excel or google report functions. Stay tuned as we continue to evolve our features or upvote for what you'd like to see on Discord in the Educators channel.
Overview of Column Headers:
Please use the tool tips in Brainscape for more guidance as you are pulling stats for your students.
Mastery: Master is a composite of the current card confidence ratings on Brainscape's 1-5 scale.
Days Studied: The number of unique calendar days that a suser studied (e.g. if they studied on one day a week ago, and then again a second time yesterday, ths number would be 2).
Time Studied: This equals a learner's total focus time.
Cards Studied:
Unique: the "unique" number of cards that each learner has studied. For example, if the learner has studied the same 20 cards 100 times, that stat would be '20'.
Total: the "cumulative" number of cards that each learner has viewed and rated.
We are constantly working on new ways to share or provide these stats. In fact, we actually already have some additional required raw data in our database, so if you are a big enterprise client and convince us to generate such custom reports for you, we can see what we can do! Additionally, the Partner Reports that come with a license, already show a lot of great study data for all the classes your students are studying.
On the mobile app, you can also see the Learners for a class that you have created. Tap on a class and you can see the Learner tab to the right of the Deck along with Bookmarked cards. You can see learner permissions, as well as the total cards studied for each individual in the class.
If your learners (or you) are studying a Brainscape Certified Class, learner data is shown in the way of a Leaderboard. Cumulative cards studied over the past 30 days is shown for this type of class.
Tracking learning metrics on mobile
Your students can track their learning metrics on their mobile devices which is a really valuable tool for encouraging good study habits, motivation and discipline. Read more here.
UPDATES: We are constantly improving our metrics for both individual learners as as an instructor for a group of learners, so please stay tuned and check your email or Discord for these valuable product enhancements.
Still have questions and can't find the answer? Be sure to email our Tech Support Team (support@brainscape.com).
If you'd love to vote for a new Brainscape feature, see what others are requesting, or get a sneak peek at features in our pipeline, please check out Brainscape User Feature Requests Forum! Please choose to Sign in with Brainscape (if you are commenting/requesting a new feature) so any feedback is tied to your account. Or you can even access the tool from our web/mobile menus which won't require you to login separately.
(Hint: to save time, search first to see if your desired feature is already in the list so you can just vote/comment.)
And for more FREE study advice don't forget to check out the Brainscape Academy.
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