We are so glad you asked and that our awesome community is so great about letting us know how we can improve.
How to find Brainscape's feature request forum:
The easiest way to suggest a new feature is to click on this link. From this screen you can Sign In with Brainscape and be able search for features that are important to you, and once you find them you can vote or add a comment. Alternatively, we will soon be adding a link in the menu in the Brainscape web and mobile app that will allow you to connect directly to this feature requests forum.
Voting for a feature:
When you land on this page, you will be brought to the Feature Requests tab where you can search for the feature(s) you want most! If you see the feature when you search for it, then you may add your vote for that feature(s), or add a comment about how you'd like the feature to work. If you don't see your feature when you search, then you can add a New Post and suggest a new feature. Add details and requirements about how you'd use this feature as well. A member of our team will review these and you'll receive updates about the features you care about most.
Feature request screen
The default view allows you to see features with the most votes, however you can edit the filter criteria if you preview a different view. You can search by the feature last posted, or also by the Roadmap stages of specific requested features.
Filter drop down
Feature Roadmap
If you want to take a look at where various features are in terms of priority, you can check out our feature roadmap. This shows whether the feature is:
In Backlog: not prioritized quite yet (we are working on higher priority things right now, but stay tuned!)
Planned: we are looking at the requirements for this feature and preparing to work on it. (It has been prioritized.)
In Progress: the team is working on developing and designing this feature right now! (Stay tuned for updates in our Newsletter, email, or through this board.)
Completed: this feature is completed and in production on either the web or mobile. Soon, you can go to our Changelog and read more about the feature too.
Feature Roadmap view
Other information
Once you are here, you can edit your notifications so you only hear from us when you want to. You can do that by clicking on your profile thumbnail (bottom left on the dashboard, or top right from feature request, roadmap or changelog). You can click My Profile from the drop-down menu and once on the Profile Screen, click the Settings link, from there you can update email notifications.
Coming soon! In the coming weeks we will also a new tab called the Changelog. This is a summary of our recently released features so you can get a bit more information about how they work, why we decided to prioritize this feature and much, much more!
Still have questions and can't find the answer? Be sure to mail our Tech Support Team (support@brainscape.com)
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