Brainscape understands how important it is for our users to be able to import flashcard information from other files for ease of creation. Many times the information we want on our flashcards come from other sources. This feature is available on web and mobile and can be done with or without the support of AI. Read more to better understand how to perform these actions on both platforms.
How do I access this feature?
The ability to Import/Paste information into flashcards can be found in a few different ways:
- From the Import/Paste flashcards link on the dashboard;
- Whenever you select the 'Add Cards' button from a new deck on the dashboard;
- Whenever you choose to edit your flashcards and are taken to the Editor, you can select the Import/Paste flashcards icon from the top right or bottom left of your card list.
You can find out additional details about the above steps in this article.
Steps to follow to import/paste content
Step 1: Once you click on 'Import/Paste Flashcards' from either the dashboard or from the icon on the Editor, you will have two options,
- Paste List: this is a text based field, where you can copy paste vocab and definitions, or any text you'd like converted into a flashcard.
- Upload a File: this allows you to upload existing files that you have saved. You can currently upload a .csv, txt, xlsx, or ods file.
These are the two choices you will have for importing information into a new flashcard deck. (above)
The image on the left shows the Paste List modal with text from a spreadsheet copied and pasted right into the field on the modal. The image on the right shows a file uploaded from this users computer.
Step 2: Once you have either copied/pasted into the Paste List field, or you have added your file for import into the Upload File modal, you will be able to 'Analyze' that file. This allows you to be able to look at it before it is added to a new deck in your Brainscape class. Once you do that, you will be able to preview the flashcards. You will then have three choices:
- Cancel: this takes you back to the previous operation (either Paste List or Upload File modal) so that you can begin again.
- No, Fix with AI: this selection allows you to apply AI (we use ChatGPT) to 'fix' or improve your flashcards. This can mean various things depending on the state of your data.
- Yes, add X cards (the number of cards will vary depending on the file/text you have added): if you select this option, you will now have a new deck created that you can further edit or study.
In the above images, the user has the option to either have AI polish the data, or to add the flashcards as is into the existing Class. If 'No, Fix with AI' is chosen, the user will see the dialog box on the right with one more chance to see the cards before they are added to the Class.
Other ways to import/paste content using AI
Brainscape has developed another feature where you can copy/paste or upload your class notes or coursework that goes beyond a simple Q/A format and uses AI to complete those steps. We call this 'Summarize from Content' and you can read more about that in this article.
How to access this functionality
When creating a new deck or adding flashcards to an existing deck, you’ll have the option to either Import/Paste Cards into a new deck on the dashboard, and is also available from the new mobile editor (in beta testing now). For more information about how to access this modal, click here.
When adding cards to a new deck, you'll get the sliding menu option you see on this second screen. If you choose to Import/Paste your cards, follow the dialog on the final screen to either cut/paste. Additionally, you can access the Import/Paste Flashcards modal by selecting the magic wand on the new editor (in beta test for some).
Import/Paste Cards
Step 1: If you choose to Import/Paste Cards from the slider or editor, you'll be taken to the below screen where you can determine if you'd like to:
a) Paste a list of existing Questions & Answers or Vocabulary words and Definitions (Copy/paste feature)
b) Upload a File: add a file from your file library
c) Upload an Image: add an image from your photo library
d) being able to use the Camera to take a picture of information that could be translated to cards
Import options: use the top section to paste a list, or choose one of the below options to upload an image or file.
Step 2: to add or upload information, please do the following,
- If you choose to Paste your Q&A or Vocab words, you can do that by copying and pasting right into the field on the 'How would you like to import your flashcards' popup.
- If you choose to Upload an image, you can follow the steps on the screen. For any files you want to upload, you'll want to make sure you've already saved those files.
- For the Camera option, you obviously need to have the file/book/worksheet available to be able to take the picture.
- Once you add the words/file/image/photo, you'll be able to review it and then analyze the data so that you can determine your next steps. See Fig 3 for the next steps. Clicking 'Analyze' allows you to get a Preview of this imported text in flashcard format.
. .
The above screens are similar regardless of whether you choose to upload a file, upload and image, or use your camera to take a picture of study material.
Step 3: You can review the uploaded/pasted information
On the 'Do these look right to you' screen, you'll have the chance to review the information. If you don't like the way it looks, you can 'Cancel' to exit out and try again with another file.
Otherwise, you have two choices:
- You may, add the cads to your deck because you like the way it looks. [this is free for everyone and does not use AI]
- If you don't love the way the data is presented, you may choose to fix these information with AI. This will take a few minutes and then when the operation is complete, you will be able to review the flashcards.
During preview mode, you can choose to accept the format or use our AI tool to fix your formatting.
Other ways to import/paste content using AI
Brainscape has developed another feature where you can copy/paste or upload your class notes or coursework that goes beyond a simple Q/A format and uses AI to complete those steps. We call this 'Summarize from Content' and you can read more about that in this article.
We appreciate your feedback and thoughts as we continue to evolve our UI and the technology. Feel free to send a message to support@brainscape.com.
If you'd love to vote for a new Brainscape feature, see what others are requesting, or get a sneak peek at features in our pipeline, please check out Brainscape User Feature Requests Forum!
And for more FREE study advice don't forget to check out the Brainscape Academy.
I use Apple Numbers for my spreadsheets. I exported a CSV file with French words by selecting File->Export to...->CSV. In Advanced Options I selected Unicode (UTF-8) in the Text Encoding dropdown list then clicked the button Next. The cards imported with the accents as expected.
Hello! Is it possible to import cards to existing deck with CSV file import? I don't want to create a new deck for each import
Hi Artemee!
This page is not monitored by our Tech Support team. For questions, concerns, or feedback, you may send an email to support@brainscape.com to get your answers much quicker!
For now, I've already created a support ticket on your behalf and one of our support staff will reach out to you.
Can you give me more details bout how can i add Q&A or Vocab words and the output become q and a .I tried everything I written question and answer and I written a Q and A and I put a space between the speeches and there’s no excellent output .and I didn’t want to use ai . I hope to receive a quick response.
I Solved the problem, The problem in comma , we should put it between the answer and the question and we should not have any comma between the words in the question or in the answer
Thanks, Doha! I’m glad to hear you’ve figured it out. Our support team has also reached out, and I see you’ve been in touch with them. If you need anything else, please don’t hesitate to email our support team via support@brainscape.com, as this page isn’t monitored daily. Thanks again!
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